why hydrogen

The Future Is Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a base element found in all living matter, including water, flora and fauna. It is the earth’s most abundant resource and is also thought to make up as much as 75% of the entire universe. Compared to other elements and the fuels they create, hydrogen is a clean alternative and is currently experiencing high demand, as it can be adapted for use in other forms of renewable energy, including solar and wind power.

Looking to the future of renewable energy, it is clear to see why hydrogen is leading the charge in this space. Being readily available and producing almost no harmful emissions, hydrogen is quickly becoming the primary choice for governments and multinationals setting their own net-zero targets.

Emissions Generating Hydrogen

Types of Hydrogen

Hydrogen comes in two primary forms: carbon-based, emissions-generating and emissions-free.

Emissions-Generating Hydrogen

Emissions-generating hydrogen is any hydrogen that is grey, brown and blue.
  • Grey hydrogen is a product of non-renewable natural gas that emits carbon into the atmosphere.
  • Brown hydrogen creates emissions because it is produced by burning coal; this practice generates high levels of pollution in the form of carbon dioxide.
  • Blue hydrogen is a derivative of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, which creates a steam methane through a chemical reaction when combined. Blue hydrogen is virtually free from emissions due to the way the hydrogen is captured in the process.

Zero-Emissions Hydrogen

Green, emerald and turquoise hydrogen do not produce emissions and therefore fall under the ‘zero-emissions’ category. Due to the way zero-emissions hydrogens are created, they do not let off pollutants.

  • Green hydrogen is made by using electrolyser technology, which causes water to split into two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Emerald hydrogen is produced through a conversion method that repurposes waste and feedstock, turning it into gas. This method involves igniting the debris before retracting it so that the air injection point can gasify the fuel.
  • Turquoise hydrogen also splits elements into their pure form, turning methane into hydrogen and solid carbon through the use of a plasma arc or a pyrolysis method.

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